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Body Services



CelluliTx is a patended breakthrough solution for those seeking to combat the appearance of cellulite. 

It contains 11 paraben-free key ingredients synergistically combined to dynamically target the appearance of cellulite. 

A gentle brush is used to cleanse and exfoliate, Marini Cellulite Cream is applied along with cream. A galvanic current is used to improve the production of collagen and new skin cells, which helps to replace the older skin cells much faster. It also stimulates blood flow, increasing the oxygen supply to the skin.  

$ 130


Body Sculpting increases flow of both the lymphatic and circulatory systems, and it also helps in cleaning the tissues. The main use of body sculpting treatment is inches loss, diminished cellulite and tightening of the skin. Lose 1-3 inches per treatment with state of the technology. 

Benefits are often immediately, but may be delayed in some people. 


For Best Results, a series of 9-12 Body Sculpting treatments are recommended per area. 

Body Sculpting treatments are not recommended if you are pregnant, breast feeding, have lymphatic disorder, acute illness, metal implants, pacemakers, or are currently being treated for active cancer. 

 1 Treatment   $ 180
4 Treatments   $ 600
6 Treatments   $ 900

Body Cont
Back Treatm


The Proteolytic Enzyme Back Treatment is effective exfoliation and skin resurfacing designed to address acne, dry skin and various back conditions. The term proteolytic refers to an enzymatic reaction that works selectively to digest only dead and diseased skin cells without harming normal living healthy cells. 

$ 120


Ingrown hair grows back into the skin instead of rising up from it. Dead ski can clog a hair follicle that forces the hair to grow sideways under the skin, rather than up and out. Symptoms of an ingrown hair is irritation in skin and a raised red bump that resembles acne, itching and discomfort. This is common in areas where you shave and tweeze the wrong way. Ingrown treatment is custom designed to your skin needs. Cleanse with Jan Marini cleanser, customized to your skin type to gentle brush is used to cleanse the area. Enzyme to remove build up in the skin, steam exfoliation, mask and extraction (as needed) and hydrate every 3-4 weeks helps to improve the texture and appearance of ingrown hair. 

$ 85

Ingrow Treatment
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